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Epiphone EB-0...anybody here ever defretted one?

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 1:05 pm
by fretlessdlh
I have a real struggle every time I get a different used bass...I want to immediately yank the 'speed-bumps' out of it and make it fretless.
I recently got a used Epiphone EB-0, one of the better ones made a few years ago in Korea with a solid Mahogany body...not laminated, not veneered...solid....really nice one.
I've just been playing fretless for so long now, my fingering technique on a fretted bass isn't so good; it's noisy. I figure I ain't gonna be doing any slap-n-pop on this bass anyway, so why have the frets, then?
Has anyone here ever defretted one of these, or seen/heard one? If so, what were your impressions?