Bass Details: Date Created: 12/28/2005, Orig Item #: 000795, First Name: Dale, Last Name: Kemp, country: Australia, U.S. state: none, bass make: Ibanez, make if other: : bass model: SR300DXF, bass year: 2005, body color: Red (Candy Apple), body style: jazz, neck specie: maple, neck specie if other: SR4, neck style: jazz, fingerboard: : fingerboard if other: Ebanol, fretlines: inlayed, pickup brand: Ibanez, pickup config.: P-J, originally fretless?: yes, comments:: “First fretless bass. Good clean tone and active pickups. Ebonol is used by Ibanez on all their fretless basses including the Gary Willis (GWB) signature series. Colour is metallic red so pictures of it don’t look as good as in the “”flesh””. The SR4 neck is quite thin and thus often referred to as “”fast””. Overall the bass has a nice character, “”speaks”” and is fun to play.”